We hit the gym & follow rigorous diet regimes; we listen to motivational speakers and read self-help books. Yet, after all this physical and mental preparation, we are forced to become SAD, owing to Stress, Anxiety and Depression which eventually affect our health adversely.
‘What is the problem?’ one might ask. The answer clearly lies in the ancient Vedic literatures. The real & constitutional nature of all human beings is not merely physical / mental, but spiritual! And it is this spiritual connect which is missing in today’s time.
This connection of the self with the Supreme Consciousness (God) is called ‘Yoga’.
Fortunately, the Vedic literature has talked at large about how we can re-establish the divine connection through different paths (I will write about all of them in separate articles!).
One of these paths is Ashtanga Yoga and it provides physical & mental well-being along with spiritual upliftment! Ashtanga Yoga, also called as the eight-fold path of mysticism consists of 8 different parts (Astha – Eight, Anga – Limbs). The 8 limbs of Ashtanga Yoga are: Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, dharana, dhyana and samadhi.
In short, these 8 principles of the Ashtanga Yoga system are the foundation of a healthy and peaceful lifestyle.
To understand the wonderful and awe spiring benefits, we will study about the Yoga Mudras or Asanas (postures), Pranayama and Meditation which foster a balanced life and effortlessly develop resistance from all types of intoxication!
Yoga Mudras (Asanas)
From the Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) to the Shirshasana (Head Stand), there is a huge variety of postures that improve blood circulation & boost the immunity of the body. With regular practise, your body would become more flexible with enhanced endurance. Yoga Mudras are the best form of exercise since they do not require any tool/instrument to give you the best results when practised consistently. You can stay away from almost all cardio-vascular problems without any support of allopathic medication.
“Prana” means life force (breath) and yama means control. So, Pranayama involves breathing with controlled rhythm and pattern. Practising Kapaalbhaati Pranayama cleanses the body internally by removing toxins, makes the respiratory and digestive tracts invulnerable to diseases and completely eliminates hairfall! Practising Anulom-Vilom Pranayama releases stress and enhances your reasoning skills. On the other hand, Bhraamari Pranayama works like an ENT (Ear-Nose & Throat) specialist and can cure many related diseases. The list of benefits from Pranayama is priceless.
Meditation (Dhyaan)
The most interesting, inspiring & rewarding process of the Ashtanga Yoga path is Dhyaan – Meditation. It is the process in which an individual shuts out all contact from the outside world and revels in the peace and happiness inwards i.e. the connection with the self! The benefits are endless, improved focus, concentration, elimination of stress and an ever-lasting peace of mind. However, the process, too is equally (if not more) rewarding since it strengthens our divine connection.
In the upcoming series of articles, we shall study these aspects of Yoga in great detail and understand what is their contribution to a healthy and peaceful lifestyle!