Due to lockdown, everyone is working from home, be it students or office workers. After sitting for god know’s how many hours straight for zoom calls, your back tend to start paining. Back pain has become a plague that everybody suffer with. Here’s a tip for relieving your back pain, Yoga. You may never believe, that there are numerous best types of yoga for relieving your back pain. It releases the tight muscles in your back and alleviates your pain, gifting you a healthy and happy forever.
Its proven that yoga benefits our body in end number of ways. It plays its part in our health, both physical and mental, release our stress, boosts up our concentration level and so on… Yoga for back pain is the unscathed and a regular capsule that you can intake without a pause of a second thought. Yoga which is a mind body therapy, known for its various postures and poses, is the prime medication from the trauma of your never ending back pain.
Six yoga poses to relieve back pain –
1. Extended triangle pose
Explore the flexibility of your body, because it has vibrant miracles hidden inside. You have to stretch your both hands wide and one leg aside. Now touch your extended feet forming a triangle posture. This does help in stretching your muscles, spine, and leg, thereby alleviating the pain in concentrated areas. Along with pain you ease out your stress and anxiety too. Isn’t it so pleasing to just think about it!
2. Sit and twist pose
May be the stretching exercise for the bunch of lazy lads! Sit with your legs straight, raise your left leg and keep it aside the right. Your arm should exactly be behind your sitting bone. With continues inhale and exhale rotate yourself sideways, stretching bits and pieces of your muscles. Stay in this asana for about 1 minute and repeat it on the other side. This is one of the effective back pain yoga.
3. Cat and cow pose
Just as the name suggest, you have to maintain the posture of a cat and a cow, in four legs. Move your neck and body inwards and outwards, stretching out your tensed back muscles. This back pain yoga is the combo of ease and effective.
4. Pigeon pose
This yoga for back pain, is not as sweet as it sounds. This back pain yoga posture might be a little bit hurdle for a beginner, but is worth doing. First you have to start in downward facing dog position with your feet’s together. Hold this position for 5 to 10 minutes and change the side. (keep in mind slow and steady wins the race, never rush which may lead you to harsh crashes)
5. Baby cobra pose
This can be a continues exercise just after the locust. As this have already activated your lower back muscles, the benefit doubles. In the baby cobra style, you lift the torso with the support of your arms and shoulders. Try it softly with your back muscles (don’t break your back). Keep the shoulders away from your ears, so that you abide yourself from creating any new tension in the upper back, remember this is to relieve your back pain.
6. Leg extension pose
This is done by lying on your stomach on the floor. While you firmly keep your pelvis, legs and feet on the floor, slowly lift your neck, chest and head upward. Extend the forearms out in front of you, to support the weight of your torso. Never forget to inhale and exhale, which suffice in boosting your circulation level.
These are some of the best types of yoga for your back pain. Listen to the whisper of your body treat it with love, so that it never screams out in pain. Make yoga a practice because constant rest can rust your body and muscle health. Your body has had enough pain, now it’s time to heal it off.