Whether you’re the type of person who religiously paints their nails as a form of self-care or someone who’s constantly biting them, we all yearn for healthy, perfectly manicured nails. Here are some tips on how to get strong and healthy nail –
1. Keep Your Fingernails Dry And Clean
All problems start with germs and bacteria. You must make sure that there is no scope for them to breed. Clean your nails regularly and make sure you dry them after washing. This also prevents dirt and bacteria from accumulating under your nails.
2. Stop Biting Your Nails
Biting your nails causes a lot of damage. In addition to making your nails look pathetic, the contact with your saliva makes them weak and brittle. It also harms your cuticles. Also, putting fingers in your mouth transmits the dirt and germs from your fingers to your mouth.
3. Tame Your Cuticles
Cuticles are very delicate and get ruptured easily. Taking good care of your cuticles is a crucial part of nail care.
If you have hanging skin or nail, handle it carefully – trim it gently so that it doesn’t stick out or cause more pain. Do not bite or pick the cuticles.
4. Maintain Hygiene
Clean your nails regularly and make sure all your nail tools are periodically washed and sanitized. Make sure that your nails don’t grow too long as that makes it easier for the dirt to accumulate below the nails.
5. Trim Regularly
Similar to how trimming your hair regularly is good for its health, the same goes for your nails. Take a nail cutter and cut them neatly.
6. File Your Nails In One Direction
File slowly and gently, and in one direction. Otherwise, the nails get weak and break prematurely.
Filing in the same direction also helps you achieve a smooth tip and makes it easier for you to shape the tip in a manner you want. Filing them in an aggressive manner blunts your tips and leaves no scope of shaping them.
7. Avoid Harsh Nail Polish
You need to be very careful while picking a nail polish. Paraben and sulfate filled ones are bad for your nails and the skin surrounding it.
Also, eating with hands that have paint on its nails is not a good idea as bits of the nail paint can chip and fall into the food, which will eventually go inside your body and cause harm.
8. Eat Well
Eating well fixes everything. Nail problems are a result of a lousy diet, and issues like brittle nails result from calcium deficiency. You need to have adequate amounts of it in your food.
Also add vitamin E, protein, iron, vitamin D, zinc, and magnesium to your diet in the form of nuts, beetroot, soy, beans, lentils, whole grains, greens, etc. for healthier and stronger nails.
9. Stay Away From Acetone
Always choose an acetone-free nail polish remover. Acetone is harsh on your nails and skin, and very damaging. It dries out your nails and makes them prone to breakage.
10. Use A Moisturiser
Dry and flakiness are as bad for your nails as they are for your skin. Nails are very delicate and tend to break off easily. Moisturise them to make them strong.
If you do lot of household work, then wear a glove. A lot of your cleansing detergents contain chemicals and will cause harm to your nails when they come in contact with them. Make sure you wash your gloves thoroughly after use and hang them out in the sunlight to sanitize them. Use these 10 tips for a healthy, strong and happy nails.