During pregnancy, that bowling ball, a.k.a. baby, inside your uterus changes your whole center of gravity. This can lead to a common form of back, which spans from the middle-lower back area all the way around to your hips and pubic bone.
Here are 5 remedies for back pain –
1. Practice deep breathing
When you’re pregnant, your organs get squished up from the weight and the size of the baby, you tend to have diaphragms that don’t function properly. This can lead to your rib cage not moving as well as it should, which can cause back pain. Using proper breathing techniques can help keep your rib cage moving properly. Practicing core breath, where your ribs go out and up on the inhale, and in and down on the exhale.
2. Perfect your posture
Small changes to the way you sit and stand may have a huge impact on preventing and soothing back pain. Pay attention to where you feel the weight in your feet when you’re standing. If it’s in the balls of your feet, that means you’ve pitched yourself forward because of your gravitational shift. Try to get your weight into your heels, and you may need to lean back a little bit. Standing with your feet too close together while pregnant can irritate your back, so try to keep them hip-width apart.
3. Include physical activity in your daily routine
Regular physical activity can keep your back strong and might relieve back pain during pregnancy. Try gentle activities — such as walking.
You may also want to stretch your lower back. Rest on your hands and knees with your head in line with your back. Pull in your stomach, rounding your back slightly. Hold for several seconds, then relax your stomach and back — keeping your back as flat as possible. Gradually work up to 10 repetitions.
4. Get the right gear
Wear low-heeled — not flat — shoes with good arch support. Avoid high heels shoes, which can further shift your balance forward and cause you to fall. You could also consider wearing a maternity support belt. Although research on the effectiveness of maternity support belts is limited, some find additional support helpful.
5. Treat yourself to a massage
A massage therapist can offer relief for back pain, though they might not be focused on your back itself. A massage therapist will be able to loosen them up, which will offer you some relief. Moms-to-be can also use a foam roller at home to loosen up their glutes, hamstrings, and calves so those muscles don’t pull on the lower back.