Becoming pregnant with your first child is exciting. There are changes ahead that will have an affect on your body during the months leading up to the new baby’s arrival. It is crucial to maintain your fitness during pregnancy to help reduce any pain, to encourage a better position of your baby for delivery.
Here are five exercise you should avoid during pregnancy and five exercise that are encouraged in this time.
1. Sports that have a higher risk of falling – like gymnastics, skiing, snowboarding, ice-skating, racket sports, horseback riding, outdoor cycling, contact sports, diving, bungee jumping and rollerblading.
2. Exercises that involve lying flat on your back for long periods of time are off-limits after the fourth month, since the weight of your uterus could compress major blood vessels and restrict circulation to you and your baby. That could make you feel dizzy and short of breath.
3. Back bends or other contortions, that involve deep flexion or extension of joints (like deep knee bends), can increase your risk of injury is not good for your baby.
4. Jumping, bouncing and all sudden jerky movements are best avoided in this time although otherwise aerobic activity is perfectly safe as long as you’re comfortable and can easily keep your balance.
5. Motionless standing after the first trimester can restrict blood flow, so avoid these types of movements like yoga and tai chi.
Safe Exercise
Let’s look at some safe exercises you can practice when you’re pregnant. Exercise in this time is great but you should know what type of exercise you should be doing –
- Walking
- Swimming/Aqua Aerobics
- Pregnancy Yoga/Pilates
- Stretching (Get advice from someone first about which to perform and how to do them correctly)
- Breathing exercises