Any working woman knows the importance of the looking and feeling her best, especially in the office. Often a little touch-up is needed through the day when heading into an important meeting. Keep these essentials tucked away in your desk drawer for quick, no-fuss makeup anytime!
1. Hand cream
Let’s admit it! We don’t give our hands as much care and attention as our facial skin. But did you know that the secret to younger-looking hands is moisturising it? When at work, make sure you keep your hands moisturised
2. Lipstick
A single stroke of your favourite lip colour can totally change your mood. A lipstick is, therefore, is a must. A lipstick can also come in handy on days when you have sudden plans that need you to switch your look from desk to dinner. So, keep a red or pink lipstick in your desk drawer.
3. Roll-on or perfume
If excess under-arm sweat is a daily struggle for you, then it’s best to keep a roll-on in your desk drawer. So, whether it’s a meeting with your boss or a presentation with your team, an antiperspirant can instantly take your confidence level a notch up.
4. Bobby Pins and Hair Ties
A good hair day often doesn’t last all day. Have bobby pins ready to quickly change up your look (great for pesky bangs), or use a hair tie as a way to pull your hair out of your face in a sleek top knot or a low, professional ponytail.
5. Concealer
With a dab of concealer, no one will ever guess that you have a breakout or were up all night working on that project. Use it to cover up dark circles and blemishes. It is also a substitute for foundation, smoothing areas of your skin where your foundation may have rubbed off over the course of the day.