Obesity is a silent killer, much like diabetes and high blood pressure. Not surprisingly, they are linked. Hence, it is best to attend to the basics, which is staying healthy, eating well and ensuring that you don’t have excess body fat. Below are some disadvantages of obesity-
1. Heart Disease Is Common
Overweight conditions cause stoppage, clogging, congestion, and obstruction. Extra fat puts pressure on the heart, lungs, and other internal organs and robs energy and life quality in a number of ways. Even on the lighter end of obesity, the danger is real. Overweight people have heightened incidences of heart disease and strokes. Every day you hold extra weight is a day that might bring on a new malady.
2. Walking Is An Effort
Most heavy people are reluctant walkers. Imagine carrying a sack of potatoes around with you all day! Extra weight contributes to the breakdown of hips, knees, and feet. Some experts claim that obesity is one cause of osteoarthritis, stating that extra fats have a hand in the degeneration of cartilage in the joints.
3. Life Quality Is Poor
A life of gasping and wheezing and sitting in doctors’ waiting rooms is not a quality existence. Sure, modern medicine, with its blood-pressure pills, cholesterol medications, stent insertions, pacemaker implantations, organ transplants, joint replacements, and the like can extend a life for a surprisingly long time, but that does not tell the entire story. Obesity diminishes people’s lifestyles in countless ways, and the result is unhappiness and depression that often result in compensatory eating, which exacerbates the problem.
4. Depression Sets In
Many corpulent people don’t know what feeling good is like, because their overweight conditions mask such things. Depression is complicated, but it can result, in part, from stress caused by having out-of-balance body chemistry, feeling unattractive, being socially isolated, not finding a mate, and other factors.
5. Breathing Becomes Difficult
Many weighty people struggle to breathe. Excess fat restricts the expansion of the rib cage and leaves less space for the diaphragm to move downward as it should. In addition, the lungs provide extra storage places for some of the fat, and that reduces the exchange of oxygen. Some heavy folks huff and puff as they perform the simplest daily tasks. Others must sit down to rest after climbing short flights of stairs. Impaired breathing is one of many ways in which obesity affects life quality.
6. Clothing Does Not Fit
Hefty people struggle to find clothing that looks good on them, although some retailers have added product lines for large men and women. Buying bigger clothes as your waistline expands, however, is a loser’s game. The better practice is to note that you no longer can wedge your way into some of your clothing and to work on returning to your original size.
7. Double Chins and Sagging Skin
Pendulous jowls and other drooping body parts accompany obesity. With weight loss, most or all of this extra tissue disappears. Frequently, heavy people’s faces puff, their chins sag, their triceps flap, their derrieres fall, and their guts hang over their belts.
We are aware that overweight people may take offense at some of the points made above, but receiving and accepting criticism comes with the territory. Our intention is not to belittle or berate the obese, but rather to motivate people to review their dietary and exercise habits. Losing weight does not have to be difficult, but to those enmeshed in the problem, it seems so.