The Dukan Diet is a high-protein, low-carb weight loss diet. The plan consists of four stages: attack, transport, integration and stabilization. Two phases focus on weight loss, the other two on weight loss.
The plan is based on the premise that you will not lose weight when you are hungry. It contains a list of specific foods allowed at different stages, with an emphasis on low-fat proteins and low-fat dairy products that increase satiety.
This diet was developed by Pierre Ducane, a Parisian physician in the 1970s, to help obese patients lose weight. At that time, the main diet for weight loss consisted of low-calorie foods that were difficult for patients to follow.
Four stages of the Dukan diet:
1. Attack phase (1-7 days): start a diet with an unlimited amount of protein on an empty stomach.
2. Delivery stage (1-12 months): alternative lean protein per day using dry protein and vegetables without wheat.
3. Integration phase (5 days per kilogram lost in phases 1 and 2): weekly protein week and hungry protein and an unlimited amount of vegetables, some carbohydrates and fats.
4. The stabilization phase : (unlimited) is powerful, and the weight is stable.
The benefits of the Dukan Diet –
1. People can lose weight quickly, which can be very motivating.
2.Food should not be weighed.
3. Calories do not need to be counted.
4. Strict rules can mean that this diet is very effective.
5. Limited choices can simplify nutrition planning.
6. Fat and processed sugar is removed.
7. Alcohol is removed from the diet.
8. Unlike the Atkins diet, the intake of fats and salt is significantly reduced, and both are good for health.
Dukan Diet is effective for fast weight loss, and with the concept of “True Weight” it sets realistic expectations for permanent weight loss. In addition, this package offers an unlimited amount of lean protein and is not hungry. This diet also has long-term rigidity, which will help you move from weight loss to long-term maintenance. Our body tends to resist fat loss, and if we are focused on maintaining a stable weight, we can maintain our weight for a long time.
The majority of calories and nutrients on the Dukan Diet come from protein, which is more filling than carbohydrates with fewer calories than fat. In addition to diet, the plan encourages physical activity, particularly walking and taking the stairs instead of the elevator.
A unique component of the Dukan Diet is the “True Weight” calculator, which factors in your weight history, gender, age, bone structure, and other parameters to determine a realistic weight-loss goal that can be maintained for life.