As there’s no doubt you know that hand sanitizers nowadays are either not available or they are very expensive. But before you start, it’s crucial that you understand simply rubbing your paws with hand sanitizer is not a substitute for good ol’ hand washing. Alcohol-based disinfectants used in the right amount (3 millilitres) and rubbed long enough (25 to 30 seconds) are fine in a pinch, because you’re not always near a sink. But soap, water, and a good scrub is the absolute best way to protect yourself against contagious diseases. Got it? Good. Let’s do this.
You just have to make sure your work space and tools are thoroughly sanitized.
Ingredients –
1. Surgical clinical spirit
2. Aleo Vera Gel
3. Glycerin
4. Any essential oil
How to make the sanitizer –
Take clinical spirit, Aleo Vera Gel, 1 tea spoon glycerin in a bowl, we will mix it all together. If you want to add some essential oil in this mixture you can. Put 4 drops of essential oil in this mixture. It takes less than 5 minutes and it is 100% natural.